ANRCI is an Incorporated Association (WA). We have an elected Management Committee made up of State Representatives. All Rabbit Clubs have the option to affiliate with ANRCI and enjoy the benefits of shared ideas, databases and costs. All fanciers or owners of rabbits are able to join ANRCI, you do not need to be a member of an affiliated club, but you do need to be a member of a rabbit club. The Rabbit Fancy in Australia is relatively small compared to the UK and the US. This website offers support for both Affiliated and non Affiliated Clubs. It contains the Stud Prefix database, The Championship System, High Point System, Judging Training Guidelines and the Breed in Development Program. People keep rabbits for many reasons. Many of us buy a bunny as a pet for ourselves or our children. Some people decide that they would like to have pure bred rabbits and exhibit them in competitions. Others keep them for Agility or Hopping Competitions. Keeping rabbits as a food, fur or fibre source is also quite common. Whether you keep your bunny for a pet or for exhibition we hope to provide you with all the information you need. Many people buy a rabbit and think they might like to go along to a show.
On this website is all the information you need about ANRCI - why we were set up, our Committee and our Rules and Regulations. Any Documents you may need can be downloaded from the Documents page. From our Shop Section, here you can buy ANRCI Badges, Memberships, and Booklets. For more info or to find your local club which may not be affiliated please email our secretary. [email protected]