Extravaganza 7
2025 we're heading to Geelong, Victoria
7th & 8th June.
Planning is well underway.
If you would like to volunteer to help out, please contact our secretary via email
[email protected]
2025 we're heading to Geelong, Victoria
7th & 8th June.
Planning is well underway.
If you would like to volunteer to help out, please contact our secretary via email
[email protected]

Flying in from the UK are Geoff and Janice Gore! Geoff was born into rabbit showing as his Mum was a keen rabbit fancier and together they kept New Zealands and standard Rex in most colours, but particularly orange and blue. As a boy Geoff kept Silver foxes with great success winning major stock and championship shows.
Janice started showing rabbits as a youth in the early 1980s and had a lot of success with Netherland Dwarfs, a breed with which we are both still very involved.
In her early days Janice also kept dutch and dwarf lops among others breeds.
We met at rabbit shows and were married in 1990. Together since we have kept and shown many breeds.
In the fancy section Netherland dwarfs, Dutch, English, Tans, Polish and Lionheads.
In Lops Mini, Dwarf, French and Cashmere.
In fur Silver Foxes, New Zealands white and black, Satins, Smoke Pearls, British Giants and Sables.
In rex Orange, Blue, Black, Ermine, Seal, Sable and Otter.
We have had a lot of success in showing over the years including winning best Lop and reserve best in show at the biggest UK show of the year the Bradford Championship Show in 2022 with a REW Mini Lop.
In 2023 and 2024 we judged at this show, Geoff with the Fur Challenge in 2023 and Janice the Dwarf, French and German Lops in 2024.
We have both previously judged at the Bradford Championship show on several occasions. In 2020 Geoff was asked to judge the Rex Challenge and Janice the Fancy Challenge classes.
We both have many year's experience of judging rabbits and regularly judge all over the United Kingdom and abroad at all levels of show. We are both British Rabbit Council Senior Judges and are on the specialist club judging panels for lots of breeds.
We have heard live talks from Australian rabbit fanciers and many tales from our friends who have judged previously in Australia. We have also seen pictures and articles on Facebook about show rabbits in Australia and both about the show winning successes and the struggles you have overcome with outcross breeding and diseases. We are both very much looking forward to judging at your Extravaganza show next year.
Janice started showing rabbits as a youth in the early 1980s and had a lot of success with Netherland Dwarfs, a breed with which we are both still very involved.
In her early days Janice also kept dutch and dwarf lops among others breeds.
We met at rabbit shows and were married in 1990. Together since we have kept and shown many breeds.
In the fancy section Netherland dwarfs, Dutch, English, Tans, Polish and Lionheads.
In Lops Mini, Dwarf, French and Cashmere.
In fur Silver Foxes, New Zealands white and black, Satins, Smoke Pearls, British Giants and Sables.
In rex Orange, Blue, Black, Ermine, Seal, Sable and Otter.
We have had a lot of success in showing over the years including winning best Lop and reserve best in show at the biggest UK show of the year the Bradford Championship Show in 2022 with a REW Mini Lop.
In 2023 and 2024 we judged at this show, Geoff with the Fur Challenge in 2023 and Janice the Dwarf, French and German Lops in 2024.
We have both previously judged at the Bradford Championship show on several occasions. In 2020 Geoff was asked to judge the Rex Challenge and Janice the Fancy Challenge classes.
We both have many year's experience of judging rabbits and regularly judge all over the United Kingdom and abroad at all levels of show. We are both British Rabbit Council Senior Judges and are on the specialist club judging panels for lots of breeds.
We have heard live talks from Australian rabbit fanciers and many tales from our friends who have judged previously in Australia. We have also seen pictures and articles on Facebook about show rabbits in Australia and both about the show winning successes and the struggles you have overcome with outcross breeding and diseases. We are both very much looking forward to judging at your Extravaganza show next year.

My name is Sarah Falkner of Camelot Rabbitry in Tasmania.
I am proudly a second-generation fancier and am incredibly privileged to share this hobby with both my mother Debbie and my five children.
I have alternated roles over many years as Secretary and President of my local club, the Rabbit Breeders Association of Tasmania Inc, I currently stand as Secretary. I am actively involved in my clubs trainee judge program, a role I consider to be a complete privilege, great honour and one I thoroughly enjoy.
I have kept numerous rabbit varieties, from all sections over my life however my passion for fur varieties was sparked when I was just a small girl and was gifted a pair of Argente Bruns from the late Ron Harris.
I am proudly a second-generation fancier and am incredibly privileged to share this hobby with both my mother Debbie and my five children.
I have alternated roles over many years as Secretary and President of my local club, the Rabbit Breeders Association of Tasmania Inc, I currently stand as Secretary. I am actively involved in my clubs trainee judge program, a role I consider to be a complete privilege, great honour and one I thoroughly enjoy.
I have kept numerous rabbit varieties, from all sections over my life however my passion for fur varieties was sparked when I was just a small girl and was gifted a pair of Argente Bruns from the late Ron Harris.
In my adult years I have, and continue to keep many fur varieties, my main focus of course being my precious Smoke Pearls. I have also found passion in the Polish breed, it often being a joke that their sassy little personalities mirror my own. I am passionate about the development of breeds with in Australia. A proud accomplishment being my recreation of the Squirrel normal fur variety and the huge success the breed has seen on the table. I have been asked to be involved with many other breed recreations and color projects and am always happy to offer any advice or input I feel may be valuable. I am currently working on my breed in development certification of the Tasman White, calici virus has delayed the project but I look forward to their first presentation in the not to distant future.
I thoroughly enjoy promoting the breeds that I love both with in my own country and abroad. With much hard work and dedication I have been luckily enough to enjoy great success on the show table with all breeds I keep. A highlight to date definitely being achieving third best in show, runner up best in show and best in show at the 2019 National Rabbit Extravaganza.
I have been privileged to judge for most clubs with in Australia many times and across all star ratings. This has provided me not only the chance to assist to further educate a variety of exhibitors but to also widen my own learning.
Having the opportunity to travel to England and see the famous "Bradford" for myself in 2018 was an absolute dream come true and provided amazing opportunity to increase my knowledge and develop my skills though interaction with fellow rabbit enthusiasts from various country’s across the world. Being asked to judge the fur section of the International Stakes Show at Bradford in 2019 is certainly a great honor and a judging career highlight. Whilst in England in both 2018 & 2019 I was given the opportunity to tour the rabbitry’s of many top exhibitors, an amazing and incredibly educational experience both in consolidating knowledge and expanding the mind further!
I very much look forward to officiating at your 2025 Extravaganza!
I thoroughly enjoy promoting the breeds that I love both with in my own country and abroad. With much hard work and dedication I have been luckily enough to enjoy great success on the show table with all breeds I keep. A highlight to date definitely being achieving third best in show, runner up best in show and best in show at the 2019 National Rabbit Extravaganza.
I have been privileged to judge for most clubs with in Australia many times and across all star ratings. This has provided me not only the chance to assist to further educate a variety of exhibitors but to also widen my own learning.
Having the opportunity to travel to England and see the famous "Bradford" for myself in 2018 was an absolute dream come true and provided amazing opportunity to increase my knowledge and develop my skills though interaction with fellow rabbit enthusiasts from various country’s across the world. Being asked to judge the fur section of the International Stakes Show at Bradford in 2019 is certainly a great honor and a judging career highlight. Whilst in England in both 2018 & 2019 I was given the opportunity to tour the rabbitry’s of many top exhibitors, an amazing and incredibly educational experience both in consolidating knowledge and expanding the mind further!
I very much look forward to officiating at your 2025 Extravaganza!
THE FIVE FREEDOMS (BRC)Freedom from hunger and Thirst
By providing fresh water and the right amount of food to keep them fit. Freedom from Discomfort By making sure that rabbits have the right kind of environment including shelter and somewhere comfortable to rest. Freedom from pain, injury and disease By preventing them from getting ill and by making sure animals are diagnosed and treated rapidly. Freedom to behave normally. By making sure rabbits have enough space and proper facilities. Freedom from fear and stress By making sure their condition and treatment avoid mental suffering |
Its with great excitement that we announce that Rabbittopia will be again back in circulation if you would like to have article added please email [email protected] and again it will be open to all rabbit fanciers so get your club info in