ANRCI Committee 2023
ANRCI is an Incorporated Association and has a strict set of Rules under which it is run. These Rules are based on the BRC Rules but have been amended to suit Australian situations and laws. ANRCI has very strict rules that apply to the process of State Representative elections and AGM Notices..
ANRCI is run by a Committee made up of Representatives from all States and territories except Qld and NT. WA, SA, Victoria and Tasmania have 4 State Reps each, NSW has three and the ACT one Rep. You must live in the state you nominate for with the exception of the ACT where you must be a member of an ACT Club. Elections for these State Reps occur each year with nominations opening for these positions late in the year. If required, ANRCI Members from each State vote for their own State representatives. These State Representatives then take on various Executive Committee positions or help as moderators of the various Sub Committees we have set up.
If you are not interested in running for a State Rep position you can put in an Expression of Interest to be part of one of the ANRCI Sub Committees. When we are reforming the Sub Committees, all Expressions of Interest will be considered and you may be invited to be part of a Sub Committee.
Management Committee 2024
- President Mark Page (WA) Professional Standards & Practices and Breed Standards Committee
- Vice President Meg Betty (WA)
- Secretary Megan Piesse (TAS)
- Treasurer Debbie Pulford (TAS) J Moderator Judging Committee, Breed Standards Committee, Youth
- Membership Registrar Nikki White (ACT)
- Stud Name Registrar Debbie Pulford (TAS)
- Ring Register Megan Piesse (TAS)
- Show Support Susan Loveless (TAS)
- Editors Rochelle Ervin
- Nikki White, (Act/NSW)
- Sue Kendall (SA)
- Megan Piesse, Deb Pulford, Susan Loveless, Rochelle Ervin (TAS)
- Julia Macaulay, Meg Betty, Mark Page, Katherine Panizza (WA)
- Vikki Ough (VIC)