Tattoo Registration Policy
As everyone is aware ANRCI has an identification system in place that allows the keeping of rings and tattoo numbers on a central database for all our affiliate clubs to access when they require rings or tattoos. These are distributed to our affiliated Clubs on request.
With the growing popularity of tattoos amongst the Australian fancy we are issuing more and more tattoos through our club ring registers. Also there seems to be a large amount of interest coming from our learning seminars in relation to this.
The committee had been working on ways to make sure that there was a uniform system in place so that the confusion of different tattoo systems wont complicate or confuse the fancy, with double ups in numbers being allocated by clubs that aren’t affiliated to ANRCI.
Up until now ANRCI has charged the same amount for a tattoo as a ring number. This was just done for convenience when some Clubs began using tattoos about 10 years ago. But now we feel that tattoos really only need to be charged an “administration” fee and so can be offered at a much cheaper rate than rings.
In the past only affiliated Clubs have had access to this database and so now, in order to encourage people to use uniform tattoos and to have them registered somewhere, we are happy to accept tattoo registrations from non-affiliated Clubs and from individual ANRCI members whether they belong to an affiliated Club or not.
Affiliated Clubs & Members /Individual ANRCI Members— will be charged $1.00 a tattoo effective immediately.
Payment must be made using the new application form for tattoos. Clubs can on sell these tattoos to their members if they wish. However, we would recommend that their members are not charged more than $1 a tattoo.
Non-Affiliated Clubs & Non-Individual ANRCI Members- Will be able to apply directly to the ring registrar to receive a tattoo & be charged $1.50 a tattoo. Payment must be made using the new application form for tattoos.
Individual ANRCI Members will get 15 free tattoos a year. When applying for their tattoo numbers thru their Club a note should be made that they are applying for their free ones and the ANRCI ring register will check membership and eligibility.
We are also offering tattoos in bulk 30 Tattoos for $25.00 ANRCI MEMBERS ONLY
Our rules for this as stated in our Show Rules.
18.8 A rabbit may be identified by a tattoo in its ear. This tattoo must be clearly legible and meet with the standards set out in 18.5. Rabbits with illegible tattoos be disqualified under the Distinguishing Marks Rule (24.0)
18.9 The tattoo will consist of the year (last two digits) and a letter (as per ring size) and allocated number. This can be in either ear. Eg 14 A 01
18.10 The ANRCI Ring Registrar will provide the tattoo numbers to be used upon application by a member. T
18.11 Any member who decides to use tattoos must be responsible for finding their own equipment and performing the tattoos. ANRCI will not be providing equipment or people to use the equipment. Exhibitors take sole responsibility for the carrying out and results of the tattoos.
A uniform tattoo across Australia has several benefits. However, the main one is that if different individuals or Clubs create different systems then a tattoo could be seen as a distinguishing mark on a rabbit. Most Clubs make a lot of effort to keep the ownership of the exhibits unknown by not allowing stud names on carry cages, not allowing owners to steward their rabbits etc – and all this is made irrelevant if a rabbit’s ownership is clearly identifiable by its tattoo!
Please Note: Any stud that is found to have 2 rabbits with the same tattoo number in their shed will face severe repercussions and it will be considered as cheating!
With the growing popularity of tattoos amongst the Australian fancy we are issuing more and more tattoos through our club ring registers. Also there seems to be a large amount of interest coming from our learning seminars in relation to this.
The committee had been working on ways to make sure that there was a uniform system in place so that the confusion of different tattoo systems wont complicate or confuse the fancy, with double ups in numbers being allocated by clubs that aren’t affiliated to ANRCI.
Up until now ANRCI has charged the same amount for a tattoo as a ring number. This was just done for convenience when some Clubs began using tattoos about 10 years ago. But now we feel that tattoos really only need to be charged an “administration” fee and so can be offered at a much cheaper rate than rings.
In the past only affiliated Clubs have had access to this database and so now, in order to encourage people to use uniform tattoos and to have them registered somewhere, we are happy to accept tattoo registrations from non-affiliated Clubs and from individual ANRCI members whether they belong to an affiliated Club or not.
Affiliated Clubs & Members /Individual ANRCI Members— will be charged $1.00 a tattoo effective immediately.
Payment must be made using the new application form for tattoos. Clubs can on sell these tattoos to their members if they wish. However, we would recommend that their members are not charged more than $1 a tattoo.
Non-Affiliated Clubs & Non-Individual ANRCI Members- Will be able to apply directly to the ring registrar to receive a tattoo & be charged $1.50 a tattoo. Payment must be made using the new application form for tattoos.
Individual ANRCI Members will get 15 free tattoos a year. When applying for their tattoo numbers thru their Club a note should be made that they are applying for their free ones and the ANRCI ring register will check membership and eligibility.
We are also offering tattoos in bulk 30 Tattoos for $25.00 ANRCI MEMBERS ONLY
Our rules for this as stated in our Show Rules.
18.8 A rabbit may be identified by a tattoo in its ear. This tattoo must be clearly legible and meet with the standards set out in 18.5. Rabbits with illegible tattoos be disqualified under the Distinguishing Marks Rule (24.0)
18.9 The tattoo will consist of the year (last two digits) and a letter (as per ring size) and allocated number. This can be in either ear. Eg 14 A 01
18.10 The ANRCI Ring Registrar will provide the tattoo numbers to be used upon application by a member. T
18.11 Any member who decides to use tattoos must be responsible for finding their own equipment and performing the tattoos. ANRCI will not be providing equipment or people to use the equipment. Exhibitors take sole responsibility for the carrying out and results of the tattoos.
A uniform tattoo across Australia has several benefits. However, the main one is that if different individuals or Clubs create different systems then a tattoo could be seen as a distinguishing mark on a rabbit. Most Clubs make a lot of effort to keep the ownership of the exhibits unknown by not allowing stud names on carry cages, not allowing owners to steward their rabbits etc – and all this is made irrelevant if a rabbit’s ownership is clearly identifiable by its tattoo!
Please Note: Any stud that is found to have 2 rabbits with the same tattoo number in their shed will face severe repercussions and it will be considered as cheating!